Chris Drury Easter

After our Easter musical To The Cross And Beyond we had the actor who played Jesus (and his parents) over for an Easter Lunch.

Efter vores Påskemusical To The Cross And Beyond inviterede vi skuespilleren som spillede Jesus til Påskemiddag sammen med hans forældre.

Monica, Beth and Chris Drury in the Kitchen

Monica, Beth and Chris Drury in the Kitchen

Monica, Beth and Chris Drury in the Kitchen

Kaj, Cyndi, Fran and Leo

Kaj, Cyndi, Fran and Leo

Fran and Leo

Fran, Leo and Chris

Cyndi, Fran, Leo and Chris

Made with JAlbum 6.5
Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)